Thursday, July 17, 2008

WorldWide Telescope

Microsoft has developed computer planetarium called WorldWide Telescope. With NASA's images taken by Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes,
You can...
-Go deep inside the universe and take a trip from seven sisters to Cat's eye nebula.
-Rotate Jupiter with your cursor.

-Check tonight's sky.

-See Orion thruough the hydrogen-alpha filters.

-See Earth at Night.

Explore the universe!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Shining eyes

Benjamin Zander, a leading interpreter of Mahler and Beethoven, had the presentation about classical music and precious thing in our life at TED conference.
He begins his talk with the difference of how to play piano between 7,8,9 and 10 year-old children. His interesting interpretation about notes is that B is for sad and E is home. Imagine your most adorable person who are no longer with you, at the same time follow the line all the way from B to E, and you feel Chopin. He says everyone has fantastic ear and classical music is for everyone. He realized that the conductor's job is to awaken possibilities in other people. The words most impressed me is

"Definition of success is how many shining eyes I have around me."

He ends his performance with the story of the girl who survived Auschwitz.
You should check out his talk here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

바다 maro ทะเล 海 zee समुद्र море البحر

Blog title represents sea in several languages.

maro: Esperanto エスペラント語
El mar: Spanish スペイン語
O mar: Portuguese ポルトガル語
Il mare: Italian イタリア語
La mer: French フランス語
Das Meer: German ドイツ語
moře: Czech チェコ語
море: Russian ロシア語
zee: Dutch オランダ語
ทะเล: Thai タイ語
바다: Korean 韓国語
समुद्र: Hindi ヒンディー語
deniz: Turkish トルコ語
bahari: Swahili スワヒリ語
ulwandle: Xhosa語(南アフリカのクリック言語)
                           語アビラア :البحر